a lighthouse for body & soul



We are kinda sorta on Facebook and Instagram

“To be a Pink Hearter…” (2010)

I wanted to re-post this FB post that came up as a memory from 2010.

NOTE: Pink Heart is currently FULL. But if you feel powerfully drawn to our vision and vibe, get in touch and we’ll see how we can work together and let you know if room becomes available.


It means you help create Pink Heart Camp. 

That means everything from brainstorming ideas, to legwork, to acquiring materials, to creating art, to reserving equipment, to attending work parties, to setting up camp, to keeping camp clean, to stocking the water bar, to making ice runs, to setting up the dome, to researching lighting options, to calling in favors, to brainstorming solutions, to hugging like you mean it.

It also means contributing $300 and a gallon of water and a pink pillow towards the collective vision.  But the money is not a payment for entry into the camp. It is simply one part of participating. The money allows us to collectively gift to the Playa on a grander scale than we could do alone.

We are not accepting anyone into Pink Camp who is “looking for a place to camp.”

We only have positions for people who want to make Pink Heart awesome. (NOTE: We are currently closed)

If you are not in Southern California, obviously it is harder to do pre-Burn group activities.

Here are some ways to add to the camp that can be done anywhere.–

1) acquire additional pink décor for inside the dome or around camp. 

2) make something using the Pink Heart logo & or Burning Man logo to give as gifts. Badges, pins, stickers, pendants, temporary tattoos, ??? (contact Halcyon if you need digital graphic files.)

3) contribute something to the camp on Playa as a gift. I.e. a camp dinner,. Or offer Foot Massages, healings, or another personal gift during set office hours. 

4) [deleted due to potential legal issues re: prostitution ]

5) commit to a larger project on-playa like The Dome building Team. 

6) offer to tow a trailer.

7) offer to be a part of the post-burn recycling/dump run to get rid of camp trash and carpets.

8) offer additional financial resources. Or offer to fund a project that is currently out of budget (like water bottles or patches)

9) offer to financially “sponsor” a fellow Pink Heart Camper who is struggling to pay dues.

10) Design or create a pink heart sign

11) design or create a stand alone lighting fixture for the front of the camp.

12) Offer to make a mid-week run to get supplies, if needed.

13) ??? Possibilities are endless. 

This is not intended to be scary or intimidate – only to make sure that you have the most incredible burn possible. (And confirm that being in Pink Heart Camp is right for you – and us)


If you want to join us, you still need to be “sponsored” by an existing Pink Hearter.  They will give you the address of our private Facebook group to join.  Once they vouch for you to camp leaders, you will have access to discussions, meetings, and a whole lotta hugs.   Not everyone is a good fit to camp with Pink Heart. But everyone is welcome to join us in the pink shade on the Playa.

Pink Heart at SPIN May 2022


Last year we did a “Pink Porch Camp” because there was no gathering in the desert. This year? Who knows!


Pink Heart, as an official camp, will not be making a journey to the Black Rock Desert in 2021.

We look forward to seeing you soon – wherever that may be.

Pink Heart Memories

Claudia’s Florida Pink Heart Porch Camp

Claudio created a Pink Heart East for Burning man 2020

2020 Porch Camp!

2020 Digital Burn Plans

We have activities all week long!
Working with Hug Nation and Urban Playa, we are hosting:

Pink Heart in Sparkleverse

  • Daily “Gratitude & Hugs” at noon and 6pm Pacific. (Direct Zoom link)
  • & Hourly programming in the Barcelona-based Urban Playa Lounge.

Pink Heart in VR (BRCVR)

  • WED: “Gratitude & Hugs” at 5:00pm PT
  • WED: Block Party at 7:00pm PT


THURS: Noon PT:  The Annual Pink Bike Ride continues! Do solo or with a small group and stream via Zoom.



2019 images


Thank you to everyone who contributed their love to the fuzzy pink container of Pink Heart 2017. We made magic together.

Inexpressible gratitude to the 100 person PHamily who worked together to Gift:
5000 + gallons of water
5000 + Coconut milk Ice creams
800 + Coconut waters
1000 + Water bottles
1500 + stickers
500+ wood medallions
500+ pins
11,000+ Anthony Collova original recipe cookies!!!!!! (not “special”)
And countless hugs and smiles.

We take the 10 Principles seriously and are honored to be a part of Black Rock City. We’ll see you at YOUtopia in San Diego, Catharsis on the Mall, and all over the place.

PLEASE invite open-hearted Burners (or Burners at heart) to join our Facebook Group.

p.s. If you are called to help us increase our collective Gifting (more water bottles, more ice cream, etc.) you can contribute by PayPal to pinkheartdues@gmail.com. (NOT required by any means!!! It is our JOY to Gift to you!!!)

The Pink Ride + Music Mashup

This song by DJ Drez was awesome.
DJ Leif added Halcyon’s voice (from his TEDx talk) and made it more awesome.
Finally, Uldis from Latvia made the music video using Burning Man, Pink Ride & Pink Heart footage (shot by Halcyon & Jake Tison).

The Pink Ride is again on Thursday of the Burn. Meet at Pink Heart at noon!


an hour’s worth of Halcyon’s Burning Man music videos from Bat Country to Pink Heart!

Pink Ride 2016!


2016 pics


Almost Home

2016 Graphic Design


Memories under pink shade

Logo Update?

The Man, itself, has changed the way it is constructed. Since  2014 it has been more solid and less “scarecrow”. (timeline)

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Which makes me wonder if we should update the Pink Heart Logo.

At its core, our logo is a Pink Heart. Like the “Red Cross.”
But we also use our signature font and images of the man in order to give context.

We choose to use a more realistic version of the man instead of the simplified icon )'(.

man_and_heart We have also used different versions of this theme by integrating aspects of the year’s theme.

Some brainstorms of how an upgraded logo could work.  One thing being discussed is the amount of detail to include. i.e. the new Man has some unusual poles that stick out of the neck, shoulders and arms. Should they be included? Should arms be up (celebratory) or down (calm)? What about the lines on the face?  Should we introduce a new, much more stylized logo?


Another factor in play is that we are considering a metal medallion that cannot have fine detail. So a Man like seen in #10 may be the best we can do. Worth compromising for a cool medallion?
See? Burning Man isn’t all fun and games!!!

Feel free to chime in on what numbers look best to you.




Heart Centered Da Vinci

Pink Heart superhero Stilt Ladder (aka Stephen) recently sent this email with some gorgeous thoughts about applying this year’s theme to Pink Heart:
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A couple weeks ago I went to the Da Vinci exhibit at the Air and Space Museum in Balboa Park. You know, that guy was the defense contractor and DARPA of his time; much of what he conceived of was for defense or offense in battle. Lots of other things like flying machines and robots, too, but I never realized how much he was innovating for war.

Our technology now keeps us alive so much more than in Da Vinci’s time. Then, it did so when one kingdom was attacking another, but daily subsistence was much closer to “hunter-gatherer” where they were close to the earth and how they got the stuff they needed. Now we seemingly live in a much more robust, sophisticated world, but our systems are fragile. A significant interruption to our massive supply chains would cause massive distress to a lot of people so used to our modern on-demand conveniences (BM 2013: the Cargo Cult theme). So we live upon a vast network of technology, and it being from us and through us so much, it is us.
As our technology becomes ever more powerful and able to affect the lives of masses of people, and even who we are as individuals, tribes, and the whole of the human race, it is crucial to lead with our heart when developing it. We also have to talk more to people who are unlike ourselves, because our ability to do powerful things personally with technologies like gene editing will give us the ability to exert our will and wage battle in insidiously destructive ways, and have the same done to us. So we’d better start talking to our “enemies” more, those we have differences with, and find some common ground. Technology can connect or rend relations, can heal or can destroy.

This is something I think has come from Pink Heart for me: listening to the heart and purpose for an engineered artifact more than to scientific and technical analysis, because none of us are truly fully rational, nor can we be. And we are fooling ourselves horribly if we think we can be. But we can be intuitive, and sensitive, and creatively solve many problems that speak to deep human hurt and need. This can give deep spiritual purpose to our technology. We need heart-centered design and engineering.

Beyond exploring and driving for connecting technology to humanity, we could also think about redefining Da Vinci’s warrior ways in love warrior machines, connecting inventions.
-Stilt Ladder

Join us!

We plan events, share pics and Pink-Hearted hugs year-round in our Facebook Group. Join us!
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Join us on Facebook

We have a new love-filled, snark free Burning Man group in Facebook where we are sharing Pink Heart memories, pics and more.

Join us!

Another Successful Sharp Jump!

(originally published on the Burning Blog)

People say, “jump the shark” like it is a bad thing.
Sure, it signified a time in the story arch of Happy Days when things flew off the rails. But it paved the way for Mork, for God’s sake!
And we are talking about FONZIE jumping over a shark. Is there anything more awesome (and Burning Man) than that!?

Hell yes, Burning Man “Jumped The Shark” this year. Just like it does every year.

In this 3 minute video I explain what Pink Heart does on Playa and how it is just one tiny way that we all have live-changing Shark Jump experiences of our own.
(Warning: If you get triggered by tears, I get misty a minute in.)

Watch the full episode talking about how glorious the dust storms were, more about Pink Heart’s gifts, the surreal presence of Halcyon on Playa, and more.

Song, “The 10 Principles Of Burning Man” – Graham Bolger Mix (with audio samples of me).

Rico explains duties to the PHamily during breakdown

Rico explains duties to the PHamily during breakdown